Welcome to the Hart Show Choir Store
24/25 Sound Vibrations Choir Contribution
Choir Contribution for 24/25 School Year (Sound Vibes).
Please select the amount of contribution you would like to pay now based on the recommended schedule. In order to qualify for the Disneyland trip, retreat, and Advanced Choir Trip, all contributions must be paid in full by 10/15/2024.
To utilize any Booster Credits, please enter the email address your student registered for Booster Hub with at checkout.
You may pay by credit card or ACH, however applicable fees will be applied at checkout (Credit Card = 2.79% + $.15 per transaction
ACH = 1.00% + $.50 per transaction). To avoid any fees, please select "Pay Later" at checkout and send in a check made out to "Hart Choir Booster Club" to your student's Choir Treasurer within 5 business days.
Please contact Ree Chung at reechung@gmail.com with any questions.
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